
A-20.A Final Word on Pitch再談音準

A-20.A Final Word on Pitch再談音準

原作者:柿堺香老師(Kaoru Kakizakai)
英文翻譯: Zachary Braverman
December 1998

A-20.A Final Word on Pitch再談音準

I've talked about pitch for the past two months because it is at once so crucial and so difficult. Why?

A shakuhachi has 5 holes that can be opened and closed, but it might be better to think of it as a fretless instrument like a violin or shamisen. In other words, merely opening and closing these holes does not allow you to play correctly. More attention is required.

For example:
  • When playing otsu and kan octaves with the same     mouth shape, kan notes will often be too high.
  • Chin angle has more influence on the notes the     more holes from the bottom you open up. Therefore, the pitches of Chi, Ri,     and I are often unstable.
  • Notes after meris are often influenced by the     meri and played too low.
  • Chi after 3-no-U (U no meri, pitch of Re) is     often played too high.
  • Once you become facile at meris, U will often     be played too low.
  • Etc. etc.

In other words, correct pitches are not granted to you automatically (like on a piano or fretted instruments).You have to form them yourself each and every time. This requires careful listening and adjusting notes immediately if you notice that you are too low or too high.

Further, some shakuhachis have a low Tsu so it's easier to play Tsu-meri, or a high Chi so it's easier to play 3-no-U. With flutes like these you must have an even better sense of tone, and be able to adjust your playing constantly.

If you can't adjust your playing well enough, then it may be necessary to alter some of the holes on your flute. Holes can be moved by a qualified maker, for instance, or enlarged.It doesn't matter how expensive you flute is if it doesn't play right for you.

I've been so persistent on pitch because I believe it is the shortcut to becoming an accomplished player.Also, practicing pitch sufficiently will have an effect on your playing in general, giving you a better sense of sound and improving your musicianship as a whole.

