
A-8.Another Benefit to Kari Blowing浮音吹奏的另類好處

A-8.Another Benefit to Kari Blowing浮音吹奏的另類好處

英文翻譯: Zachary Braverman


Another Benefit to Kari Blowing浮音吹奏的另類好處

In the May column I talked about meri blowing and kari blowing. I said that I recommended kari blowing for the reason that it gives you more latitude to make meri notes, especially two-step meri’s. However, in the course of my own practice I have noticed another benefit to kari blowing.

When meri blowing, your lips will be closer to the blowing edge, so any movement you make will have a large effect on the sound. However, when you are kari blowing,your lips are farther away from the blowing edge, so any movement between your lips and the flute will not have as great an effect.

For example, if your lips are 10 mm from the blowing edge, moving them 1 mm results in a difference of a full 10%. If they are 15 mm away to begin with, though, moving them 1 mm is only a difference of 6.7%.

This has an effect on the blowing of long tones, as well. When blowing long Ro’s,the tail end of the note often falls in pitch as you run out of breath. This fall is often quite precipitous for people who are meri blowers because it is harder for them to make subtle adjustments in the distance between lip and blowing edge.

If your lips are close to the blowing edge, moving them even a little bit farther away in an effort to sustain pitch will likely lead to overcompensation.However, if you are kari blowing, you can make these subtle adjustments without having to worry (much) about moving too far.

Keep in mind that there is only a very slight difference between meri and kari blowing. Go too far in either direction and you will not be able to play well at all. To enable yourself to become a kari player, remember the tubular breath shape I talked of last month.

