
開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-1---翁海華(Perry Young)

開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-1---翁海華(Perry Young)


開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅  3-1 ----翁海華 Perry Young



    此處將介紹我開始學習吹奏尺八的方法,我稱它為「Sasa Buki」(竹葉吹法),它將引導初學者去開發,吹奏和欣賞尺八所必要的基本技能。依我之見,以「竹葉吹法」之心法吹奏,是最佳的練習方法。吹奏尺八時,有部分時間是在傾聽。「竹葉吹法」將帶領初學者去認識尺八的本質----音色轉移。






Start your journey into playing Shakuhachi 3-1

There are many ways to partake in the shakuhachi. The one thing every mature player has in common is the connection to the tone. Playing music will be an endless exploration that can last a lifetime. But, even before we get there we must understand the essence of the shakuhachi - the tone. Here is the most basic way to start your journey.

Sasa Buki Breath Exercise

Here is my method for getting started on playing the shakuhachi. I call it Sasa Buki (breath of Bamboo Leaf). It will guide the beginner into developing the necessary skills required to play and appreciate shakuhachi at the fundamental level.

IMHO, playing with Sasa Buki in mind is the best way topractice. Half of playing shakuhachi is listening. Sasa Buki will introduce the beginner to the essence of shakuhachi - the shifting tone colors.

Let’s start.

The first thing that is required is to shape your lips properly.This is called the embouchure. Make a gentle smile with your lips. This pulls them against your teeth, which is ideal. Then blow the air stream with a gentle release. Think of blowing a tiny pinpoint air steam, one that is round and not splayed or flat.

Next, Visualize the shape of a bamboo leaf, thin on the ends and gradually getting fat in the middle.

It’s best to try your first note without covering any holes.
When you’re comfortable, take the deepest breath you can hold in your lungs. In Yoga, it would be a three part breath - fill the abdomen, chest and throat.

Then put your embouchure directly onto the center of the utaguchi for centering and push your chin slightly forward (chin up) to create a gap of about a 1/4 inch from the center of the lips to the center of the utaguchi(letting the back of the flute rest on the area under your lower lip and above the chin). Now, release your pinpoint air stream onto the utaguchi.

After a trial and error period, you will have produce a sound. You will have discovered that aiming the air stream perfectly creates the sound. The idea is to split the air stream in half on the utaguchi, half going into the flute, half going over the edge to the outer surface of the utaguchi.


