
A-48.Performing 演出

A-48.Performing 演出

原作者:柿堺香老師(Kaoru Kakizakai)
英文翻譯: Zachary Braverman
December 2001


Except for the most novice beginner, anybody who plays the shakuhachi has most likely had the experience of playing in front of people. Nobody likes getting nervous when you play for an audience, for this can cause your body to tighten up, your breath volume to decrease, the song you thought you had memorized to fly away from you, and numerous other ways of worsening your performance.

There are many ways to overcome this kind of nervousness, though, and if you can find the one that works best for you, an unparalleled pleasure will be yours to enjoy.

What I would like to talk about this month, though, are not ways of overcoming nervousness. Instead, I would like to talk about the benefits of nervousness.

Oftentimes,during a performance you will find a mistake your notation that you had missed repeatedly during practice.
This is because performance elicits such a high level of concentration. Indeed, no matter how hard or earnest your practice, your level of concentration during a performance will exceed it. This high level of concentration more than compensates for the negative effects of nervousness.

Narrowing your focus down to a single point is one kind of concentration, but it is not usually the correct kind. A race car driver, for instance, must have supreme concentration during a race, but narrowing it down to one point would be fatal.Instead, he is totally aware of all of his surroundings, and gathers information from all around him.

This is similar to the quality of concentration you need for a performance. You need to gather all kinds of information (meris are high or low, tone is good or bad,your pitch is matching or not matching your accompanist, etc.) and incorporate this into your playing instantaneously.

If you are in this state of supreme concentration - which is like a beneficial nervousness - then your brain will be too busy to fall into the trap of negative nervousness. Thus concentration is the best antidote for nervousness.


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