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標題: 開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-3 ----翁海華(Perry Young) [打印本頁]

作者: 麥浪    時間: 2015-11-19 17:21     標題: 開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-3 ----翁海華(Perry Young)









Try keeping a shakuhachi journal of how long your tones are and see the growth every few days. If you are primarily playing during meditation,you won’t be timing yourself obviously. Try to do this before or after your practice.

After a while (that depends on how much you practice and how well you can develop and retain the lips muscles), you will play longer, louder and more beautiful tones. Your lips will adjust to the natural pressure increase from daily build up of technique.

Obviously, daily practice is important for skill development.Your lips will learn when to bear down, when to open up, when to get close and when to pull back to achieve Sasa buki. Just be aware of what is happening with your lips moment to moment, from the beginning of the tone to the end of the tone.

Pay attention to the sound and what your lips are doing to get that sound. You’ll be amazed at how your lips are constantly adjusting, however miniscule, to timbrel shifts. Always take note of developments and use them the next time you practice to build your technique.

Blowing Sasa buki is the basic skill necessary to play and enjoy the shakuhachi. After some time, you may need to understand pitch. If you have a grasp on Sasa Buki, you will easily adapt your playing into proper pitch for playing music. Finger movements will come easily and naturally once you have a grasp on producing and maintaining long beautiful notes.

It’s good to play at the same time everyday. It doesn’t matter when. Keeping a daily schedule helps you get into that frame of mind.

Enjoy the deep breathing!
作者: 文慶    時間: 2015-11-21 15:38     標題: 回復 1# 的帖子


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