
開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-2 ----翁海華 (Perry Young)

開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-2 ----翁海華 (Perry Young)







If you are having trouble, keep this in mind. Every time you inhale, fill your lungs to capacity.Every time you blow, relax and let the air stream flow evenly and continuously. It’s just like breathing.

It doesn’t take much embouchure force to produce a sound.Experiment with blowing over the utaguchi and into the flute until you hit the“sweet spot”.Remember to maintain a direct and focused air stream.

When you can make a sound consistently (it can takes days), make the note last as long as possible. If you can hold the tone for more than 5 seconds the first few days, you are doing very very well….really. Time yourself with a watch and see how much you improve in a few days. When you can getup to 20 seconds, you will notice some wonderful things happening around you.

when you feel you can handle a simple Sasa Buki, try playing it covering the thumb hole as the next note to attempt. Then work your way down covering the holes in front from top to bottom (when covering holes, the previously covered hole must remain covered for the music scale to work see my web page on the static site for how to hold the shauhachi).

Once you have a grasp on consistently producing a long sound or tone, start to manipulate the sound into Sasa buki - thin at the beginning,gradually get louder and back down to thin at the end, like the shape of sasa. Work on shaping your lips so that the sound is the most beautiful sound you can imagine, one that comes from nowhere, captivates you and then fades out in away that makes your ears reach out to hear it dissipate. Imagine the last bit of rays from the sun that dissapears on a horizon at sunset.

That sort of greenish orange glow that happens after the last rays dissapears is the “Ma” ,we all refer to - the silence that is part of the music.

If you practice with an awareness of musical growth, you will notice major improvements in a very short time. The full and deep breathing technique that is required for Sasa Buki will also have beneficial affects on your mind and body.


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---------翁海華 (Perry Young)

