查看完整版本: 開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-3 ----翁海華(Perry Young)

麥浪 2015-11-19 17:21

開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-3 ----翁海華(Perry Young)


[font=標楷體][size=14pt]    在尺八的學習旅程上,隨時去留意你的音能吹多長,並且每過幾天,就去觀察你的學習成長進度。如果你是在冥想中開始學習,那麼你並不需要刻意地去計時。當你在練習之前或之後,去做此練習。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14pt]    不久之後(決定於你練了多少,和你能開發和維持雙唇肌肉到多好),你將可以吹的更久、更大聲,以及更美的音色。你的雙唇將會適應於,來自每日的技法練習,所增加的自然壓力。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14pt]    很明顯地,每日的練習對技藝的開發是很重要的。你的雙唇將會學習到,何時去撐住氣束、何時要開展、何時閉合、及何時拉平,來吹出「[b]竹葉吹法[/b]」。從開始到結束,僅僅去察覺你的嘴唇,每一瞬間的變化。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14pt]    去注意吹出的聲音,以及吹出該聲音時,你的雙唇正在做什麼。不管是哪種音樂的變化,你將會驚訝於你的雙唇正不斷地調適。經常去注意學習過程的發展,並在下次的練習時運用上它,來培養你的技藝。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14pt]    吹奏「[b]竹葉吹法[/b]」,是吹奏尺八所需的基本技巧。再過一段時間,你恐需要去了解音高。如果你已領會了「[b]竹葉吹法[/b]」,你將很容易地在吹奏樂曲時,吹出適當的音高。一旦你有辦法掌握住,吹出及維持一個長且美麗的聲音時,手指動作也會變得容易和自然了。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14pt]    在每一天的同一時段練習,是較好的,至於在什麼時段都無所謂。保持一個每日練習時刻表,可以幫助你進入較佳心理狀態。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14pt]    享受深呼吸吧。[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Try keeping a shakuhachi journal of how long your tones are and see the growth every few days. If you are primarily playing during meditation,you won’t be timing yourself obviously. Try to do this before or after your practice.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]After a while (that depends on how much you practice and how well you can develop and retain the lips muscles), you will play longer, louder and more beautiful tones. Your lips will adjust to the natural pressure increase from daily build up of technique. [/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Obviously, daily practice is important for skill development.Your lips will learn when to bear down, when to open up, when to get close and when to pull back to achieve Sasa buki. Just be aware of what is happening with your lips moment to moment, from the beginning of the tone to the end of the tone. [/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Pay attention to the sound and what your lips are doing to get that sound. You’ll be amazed at how your lips are constantly adjusting, however miniscule, to timbrel shifts. Always take note of developments and use them the next time you practice to build your technique.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Blowing Sasa buki is the basic skill necessary to play and enjoy the shakuhachi. After some time, you may need to understand pitch. If you have a grasp on Sasa Buki, you will easily adapt your playing into proper pitch for playing music. Finger movements will come easily and naturally once you have a grasp on producing and maintaining long beautiful notes.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]It’s good to play at the same time everyday. It doesn’t matter when. Keeping a daily schedule helps you get into that frame of mind.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Enjoy the deep breathing! [/size][/font]

文慶 2015-11-21 15:38

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