查看完整版本: 開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-1---翁海華(Perry Young)

麥浪 2015-11-17 14:46

開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅 3-1---翁海華(Perry Young)


[font="][size=20.0pt]開啟你的尺八吹奏之旅  [/size][/font][size=20.0pt]3-1 [/size][size=20.0pt] ----翁海華 [/size][color=#333333][size=3]Perry [/size][/color][color=#333333][size=3]Young[/size][size=20pt][/size][/color]

[font=標楷體][size=14.0pt]    [/size][/font]
[font=標楷體][size=14.0pt]    探索尺八的方式有很多種,通常多數人會做的其中一種,就是去啟動它的音色。沉浸音樂是一種無止盡的探索活動,它可以在生活中延續一段長時間。但是,即使過去我們曾經接觸過它,我們仍必須去了解尺八聲音的本質---音色。此處有一種最基本的方法,帶你進入尺八學習之旅。[/size][/font]

[/font][font=標楷體][size=14.0pt]    此處將介紹我開始學習吹奏尺八的方法,我稱它為「Sasa Buki」([b]竹葉吹法[/b]),它將引導初學者去開發,吹奏和欣賞尺八所必要的基本技能。[/size][/font][font=標楷體][size=14pt]依我之見,以「[b]竹葉吹法[/b]」之心法吹奏,是最佳的練習方法。吹奏尺八時,有部分時間是在傾聽。「[b]竹葉吹法[/b]」將帶領初學者去認識尺八的本質----音色轉移。[/size][/font]


[font=標楷體][size=14pt]    第一件需做的事就是,適當地形成你的唇形,一般稱它為口風。用你的嘴唇做出一個溫和的微笑,如此雙唇將以理想的方式倚靠著你的牙齒。接下來,以溫和放鬆的方式,吹出一股氣束。想像著吹出如針頭般的小氣束,它是圓的,而不是寬的或扁的。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14.0pt]    其次,想像一下竹葉的形狀,兩端是尖的,中間是逐漸變寬的。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14.0pt]    在你覺得舒適的狀態下,做一個最深沉的呼吸。在瑜珈中,它包含三部分,即依次將氣體充滿腹部、肺部和喉嚨。接著,將你的口風直接對著吹口中央,將你的下巴稍微往前移,從雙唇中間到吹口中間,產生一道缺口(將尺八的背部置於下唇底下,和下巴上方)。現在,釋放出你的[/size][/font][font=標楷體][size=14pt]針頭氣束直[/size][/font][font=標楷體][size=14.0pt]擊吹口。[/size][/font]

[font=標楷體][size=14.0pt]    在一段時間的嘗試錯誤之後,你終將吹出聲音來。你將發現,正確地將氣束對準吹口吹出,方才會吹出聲音。正確的做法是,吹出的氣束,在吹口分成兩半,一半進入尺八管內,另一半吹過吹口的外部表面。[/size][/font]

[color=#333333][size=5][url=http://yungflutes.com/guide/faq/playing_question/][color=#66660]Start your journey into playing Shakuhachi[/color][/url] 3-1[/size][size=20pt][/size][/color]

[font="][size=14.0pt]There are many ways to partake in the shakuhachi. The one thing every mature player has in common is the connection to the tone. Playing music will be an endless exploration that can last a lifetime. But, even before we get there we must understand the essence of the shakuhachi - the tone. Here is the most basic way to start your journey. [/size][/font]

[b][font="][size=14.0pt]Sasa Buki Breath Exercise[/size][/font][/b]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Here is my method for getting started on playing the shakuhachi. I call it Sasa Buki (breath of Bamboo Leaf). It will guide the beginner into developing the necessary skills required to play and appreciate shakuhachi at the fundamental level. [/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]IMHO, playing with Sasa Buki in mind is the best way topractice. Half of playing shakuhachi is listening. Sasa Buki will introduce the beginner to the essence of shakuhachi - the shifting tone colors.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Let’s start.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]The first thing that is required is to shape your lips properly.This is called the embouchure. Make a gentle smile with your lips. This pulls them against your teeth, which is ideal. Then blow the air stream with a gentle release. [/size][/font][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=14pt]Think of blowing a tiny pinpoint air steam, one that is round and not splayed or flat.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Next, Visualize the shape of a bamboo leaf, thin on the ends and gradually getting fat in the middle.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]It’s best to try your first note without covering any holes.[/size][/font]
[font="][size=14.0pt]When you’re comfortable, take the deepest breath you can hold in your lungs. In Yoga, it would be a three part breath - fill the abdomen, chest and throat. [/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]Then put your embouchure directly onto the center of the utaguchi for centering and push your chin slightly forward (chin up) to create a gap of about a 1/4 inch from the center of the lips to the center of the utaguchi(letting the back of the flute rest on the area under your lower lip and above the chin). Now, release your pinpoint air stream onto the utaguchi.[/size][/font]

[font="][size=14.0pt]After a trial and error period, you will have produce a sound. You will have discovered that aiming the air stream perfectly creates the sound. The idea is to split the air stream in half on the utaguchi, half going into the flute, half going over the edge to the outer surface of the utaguchi.[/size][/font]

文慶 2015-11-21 15:38

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鄭林 2016-2-12 11:23

:)4 受用無窮感謝

小莊 2016-3-11 23:24

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